

词汇 yet
释义 *yet
/jet ||; jɛt/adv conj
1 used with negative verbs or in questions for talking about sth that has not happened but that you expect to happen (用于未发生但预期会发生的事情,与否定动词连用,或用于疑问句): Has it stopped raining yet? 雨还没有停吗?I haven't seen that film yet. 那部电影我还未看过。 In American English you can say I didn't see that film yet. 在美国英语里可说:I didn't see that film yet.那部影片我还未看过。
2 (used with negative verbs) now; as early as this (与否定动词连用)现在,这么早: You don't have to leave yet -- your train isn't for another hour. 你用不着这么早走─你搭的火车还要过一小时才开。
3 from now until the period of time mentioned has passed (从现在起的某段时间): She isn't that old; she'll live for years yet. 她并不那么老,还能活很久呢。
4 (used especially with may or might) at some time in the future (尤与maymight连用)终有一天: With a bit of luck, they may yet win. 要是有点运气,他们最后还是会赢的。
5 (used with SUPERLATIVES) until now/until then; so far (与最高级形容词或副词连用)至今,直到某时为止: This is her best film yet. 这是她至今最好的影片。
6 used with COMPARATIVES to emphasize an increase in the degree of sth (与比较级形容词或副词连用,以强调某物增长程度): a recent and yet more improbable theory 最近的而又更说不通的理论
7 but; in spite of that 但是;尽管如此: He seems pleasant, yet there's something about him I don't like. 他似乎讨人喜欢,但他就是有些什么我不喜欢。
as yet until now 至今: As yet little is known about the disease. 到目前为止,(人们)对这种疾病所知甚少。 yet again (used for expressing surprise or anger that sth happens again) once more; another time (用于表示对某事再度发生感到惊讶或气愤)再,再次: I found out that he had lied to me yet again. 我发现他又对我撒了谎。 yet another used for expressing surprise that there is one more of sth (用于表示对某物一再出现感到惊讶): They're opening yet another fast food restaurant in the square. 他们又要在广场上开一家快餐店。 yet to do, etc that has not been done and is still to do in the future 仍未做: The final decision has yet to be made. 最后的决定仍未做出。




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