

词汇 deserve
释义 *deserve
/dɪˈzɜ:v ||; dɪˈzɝv/verb [T] (not used in the continuous tenses 不用于进行时) to earn sth, either good or bad, because of sth that you have done 应受,应得(奖赏或惩罚): We've done a lot of work and we deserve a break. 我们已经做了很多工作,应该休息一会儿。He deserves to be punished severely for such a crime. 他犯了那种罪行,应该受到严厉的惩罚。 Although this verb is not used in the continuous tenses, it is common to see the present participle (= -ing form) There are other aspects of the case deserving attention. 虽然这个动词不用于进行时,但它的现在分词还是常见﹕There are other aspects of the case deserving attention. 这个案件的其他方面也值得注意。




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