

词汇 centre
释义 *centre¹
/ˈsentə(r) ||; ˈsɛntɚ/(US 美 center) noun
1 [C] [usu.sing] the middle point or part of sth 中心;中央: I work in the centre of London. 我在伦敦市中心工作。Which way is the town centre, please? 请问到市中心怎么走?She hit the target dead centre (= exactly in the centre). 她击中靶子正中心。 ☞Look at the note at middle. 参看 middle 的注释。 ☞picture at circlecircle插图
2 [C] a building or place where a particular activity or service is based (用来举行活动或提供服务的)中心: a sports/health/shopping centre 体育╱保健╱购物中心This university is a centre of excellence for medical research. 这所大学集医学研究之大成。
3 [C] a place where sb/sth is collected together; the point towards which sth is directed (人或物)集中区,焦点: major urban/industrial centres 主要的市中心区╱工业区She always likes to be the centre of attention. 她老是爱出风头。You should bend your legs to keep a low centre of gravity. 你应当屈腿以降低重心。
4 [sing] [with.sop] a political position that is not extreme 中间派: Her views are left of centre. 她的观点属于中间偏左。
/ˈsentə(r) ||; ˈsɛntɚ/(US 美 center)centre on/around sb/sth to have sb/sth as its centre 集中于: The life of the village centres on the church, the school and the pub. 这村子生活的中心不外乎教堂、学校、酒馆这三个地方。




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