

词汇 child
释义 *child
/tʃaɪld ||; tʃaɪld/noun [C] (plural children /ˈtʃɪldrən ||; ˈtʃɪldrən/)
1 a young boy or girl who is not yet an adult 小孩;儿童: A group of children were playing in the park. 一群孩子正在公园里玩耍。a six-year-old child 六岁大的小孩
2 a son or daughter of any age 儿子;女儿;子女: She has two children but both are married and have moved away. 她有两个孩子,但都结了婚,搬走了。
An only child is a child who has no brothers or sisters. A couple may adopt a child who is not their own son or daughter (for example if the child's parents are dead). A foster child is looked after for a certain period of time by a family that is not his/her own. 独生子、独生女叫做only child。夫妇可领养(adopt)小孩(比如小孩父母双亡)。寄养在别的家庭的小孩叫做foster child




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