/maʊθ ||; maυθ/noun [C] (
plural mouths /maʊðz
||; maυðz/)
1 the part of your face that you use for eating and speaking 嘴;口;口腔: to open/close your mouth 张开╱合上嘴 ☞picture on page C5 见body插图
2 -mouthed /maʊðd/ (used to form compound adjectives 用于构成复合形容词) having a particular type of mouth or a particular way of speaking 有…的口;有…说话方式: We stared open-mouthed in surprise. 我们吃惊得目瞪口呆。He's a loud-mouthed bully. 他是个说话吵嚷、强横霸道的家伙。
3 the place where a river enters the sea 河口
keep your mouth shut(
informal 非正式) to not say sth to sb because it is a secret or because it will upset or annoy him/her 保持缄默;守口如瓶