

词汇 lucky
释义 *lucky
/ˈlʌki ||; ˈlʌkɪ/adj (luckier;luckiest)
1 (used about a person) having good luck (指人)幸运的,运气好的: He's lucky to be alive after an accident like that. 他真幸运,发生那样的事故以后居然还活着。With so much unemployment, I count myself lucky that I've got a job. 我觉得自己运气真不错,失业率那么高,而我还有一份工作。‘I'm off on holiday next week.’ ‘Lucky you!’ “我下星期去度假。”“你运气真好!”
2 (used about a situation, event, etc) having a good result (指情况、事件等)有好结果的,完满的: It's lucky I got here before the rain started. 幸好,开始下雨之前我就到这儿了。a lucky escape 侥幸逃脱
3 (used about a thing) bringing success or good luck (指事物)带来好运的,吉祥的: a lucky number 幸运号码It was not my lucky day. 那天我的运气不好。 [OPP] unlucky 反义词为unluckyluckily adv Luckily, I remembered to bring some money. 幸好我记得带点钱。
you'll be lucky used to tell sb that sth that he/she is expecting will probably not happen (用于告诉某人其指望的事不大可能发生): You're looking for a good English restaurant? You'll be lucky! 你在找一家象样的英国餐馆吗?不大可能!




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