/faɪnd ||; faɪnd/verb [T] (
past tense past participle found /faʊnd
||; faυnd/)
1 to discover sth that you want or that you have lost after searching for it 发现,找到,找回(失物): Did you find the pen you lost? 你丢的笔找回来没有?After six months she finally found a job. 六个月后她终于找到工作了。Scientists haven't yet found a cure for colds. 科学家还没有找到根治感冒的方法。I hope you find an answer to your problem. 我希望你为自己的问题找到解决方法。 ☞Notice the expressions find the time, find the money I never seem to find the time to write letters these days. We'd like to go on holiday but we can't find the money. 注意find the time、find the money: I never seem to find the time to write letters these days. 这些日子我似乎总没有写信的时间。·We'd like to go on holiday but we can't find the money. 我们想去度假,就是没有钱。
2 to discover sth by chance 意外发现;偶然发现: I've found a piece of glass in this milk. 我在这牛奶里发现了一片玻璃。We went into the house and found her lying on the floor. 我们走进房子里,看见她躺在地上。This animal can be found (= exists) all over the world. 这种动物在世界各地都有。
3 to have an opinion about sth because of your own experience 体验过后认为;觉得: I find that book very difficult to understand. 我觉得那本书晦涩难懂。We didn't find the film at all funny. 这部电影我们一点也不觉得有趣。How are you finding life as a student? 你喜欢学生生活吗?
4 to suddenly realize or see sth 突然意识到或明白: I got home to find that I'd left the tap on all day. 我回到家里,发现水龙头开了一整天没有关。Ben turned a corner and suddenly found himself in the port. 本拐过弯去,突然发现自己来到了港口。
5 to arrive at sth naturally; to reach sth 自然而然地到达: Water always finds its own level. 水面总是平的。These birds find their way to Africa every winter. 这些鸟每年都飞到非洲过冬。
find fault (with sb/sth) to look for things that are wrong with sb/sth and complain about them 故意找错处;找茬儿:
Monica wouldn't make a good teacher because she's always finding fault with people. 莫妮卡不会成为个好老师,因为她老是找别人的茬儿。 find your feet to become confident and independent in a new situation 在新环境里变得自信、独立:
Don't worry if the job seems difficult at first -- you'll soon find your feet. 如果工作开始时似乎有点难,别担心──你很快就能应付过来的。 find (sth) out to get some information; to discover a fact 得到(信息);发现(事实):
Have you found out how much the tickets cost? 你有没有问清楚票价?I later found out that Will had been lying to me. 我后来才发现威尔一直在对我撒谎。 find sb out to discover that sb has done sth wrong 发现(某人做错事):
He had used a false name for years before they found him out. 他用了假名好多年他们才发现。