

词汇 honest
释义 *honest
/ˈɒnɪst ||; ˈɑnɪst/adj
1 (used about a person) telling the truth; not lying to people or stealing (指人)诚实的: Just be honest -- do you like this skirt or not? 说老实话,你喜欢不喜欢这条裙子? To be honest, I don't think that's a very good idea. 老实说,我认为这不是个很好的主意。
2 showing honest qualities 显示诚实的: an honest face 诚实的面孔I'd like your honest opinion, please. 有意见,只管直说。 [OPP] for both senses dishonest 两个义项的反义词皆为dishonesthonesty noun [U] [OPP] dishonesty 反义词为dishonesty




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