

词汇 caution
释义 caution¹
/ˈkɔ:ʃn ||; ˈkɔʃən/noun
1 [U] great care, because of possible danger 谨慎;小心: Any advertisement that asks you to send money should be treated with caution. 对任何让你寄钱的广告都要小心对待。
2 [C] a spoken warning that a judge or police officer gives to sb who has committed a small crime (法官或警察发出的)口头警告
/ˈkɔ:ʃn ||; ˈkɔʃən/verb[I,T]
1 caution (sb) against sth to warn sb not to do sth 告诫某人别做某事: The President's advisers have cautioned against calling an election too early. 总统的顾问警告不要过早举行选举。
2 to give sb an official warning 给某人正式警告: Dixon was cautioned by the referee for wasting time. 狄克逊因浪费时间被裁判警告。




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