

词汇 some
释义 *some
/səm;strong form sʌm ||; səm; sʌm/det pronoun
1 (before uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns 用于不可数名词及复数可数名词前) a certain amount of or a number of 一些;若干: We need some butter and some potatoes. 我们需要一些黄油和马铃薯。I don't need any more money -- I've still got some. 我不需要更多的钱─我还有一些。
In negative sentences and in questions we use any instead of some Do we need any butter? I need some more money. I haven't got any. But look at
2 for examples of questions where some is used. 在否定句和疑问句中用any,不用some:Do we need any butter? 我们需要黄油吗?·I need some money. I haven't got any.我身无分文,需要一点钱。有关some在疑问句中的示例,参看第
2 used in questions when you expect or want the answer ‘yes’ (用于预期或想要得到肯定答复的疑问句中): Would you like some more cake? 想要再来点蛋糕吗?Can I take some of this paper? 这纸我可以拿几张吗?
3 some (of sb/sth) used when you are referring to certain members of a group or certain types of a thing, but not all of them (指某整体中的部份): Some pupils enjoy this kind of work, some don't. 有些学生喜欢这种作业,有些不喜欢。Some of his books are very exciting. 他的书有些很精彩。Some of us are going to the park. 我们有些人要去公园。
4 used with SINGULAR COUNTABLE nouns for talking about a person or thing without saying any details (与单数可数名词连用,指不具体的人或物): I'll see you again some time, I expect. 我想我们会在某个时候再次见面。There must be some mistake. 一定是出了什么差错。I read about it in some newspaper or other. 我在哪份报纸上看到过这个消息。




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