

词汇 sketch
释义 sketch
/sketʃ ||; skɛtʃ/noun[C]
1 a simple, quick drawing without many details 草图;速写;素描: He drew a rough sketch of the new building on the back of an envelope. 他在信封背面画了新大厦的略图。
2 a short funny scene on television, in the theatre, etc (电视、戏剧等的)幽默短剧,小品: The drama group did a sketch about a couple buying a new house. 剧团演了一出一对夫妻买新房的小品。
3 a short description without any details 简述;速写 sketch verb [I,T] I sat on the grass and sketched the castle. 我坐在草地上画城堡的素描。




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