

词汇 suspect
释义 *suspect¹
/səˈspekt ||; səˈspɛkt/verb[T]
1 to believe that sth may happen or be true, especially sth bad 相信,猜想(某事可能发生或是真的,尤指坏事): The situation is worse than we first suspected. 情况比我们起初猜想的还要坏。Nobody suspected that she was thinking of leaving. 没有人想到她有离开的念头。 ☞Look at unsuspecting. 参看unsuspecting
2 to not be sure that you can trust sb or believe sth 怀疑;不信任: I rather suspect his motives for offering to help. 我很怀疑他提出帮忙的动机。
3 suspect sb (of sth/of doing sth) to believe that sb is guilty of sth 怀疑某人(做坏事): I suspect Laura of taking the money. 我怀疑劳拉拿走这笔钱。She strongly suspected that he was lying. 她很怀疑他在说谎。 ☞noun suspicion 名词为suspicion
/ˈsʌspekt ||; ˈsʌspɛkt/noun [C] a person who is thought to be guilty of a crime 嫌疑犯: The suspects are being questioned by police. 嫌疑犯正受到警方盘问。
/ˈsʌspekt ||; ˈsʌspɛkt/adj possibly not true or not to be trusted 可疑的: to have suspect motives 有可疑的动机a suspect parcel (= that may contain a bomb) 可疑的包裹




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