

词汇 marriage
释义 *marriage
/ˈmærɪdʒ ||; ˈmærɪdʒ/noun
1 [C,U] the state of being husband and wife 婚姻: They are getting divorced after five years of marriage. 结婚五年后,他们正在办离婚。a happy marriage 美满的婚姻
2 [C] a wedding ceremony 结婚仪式;婚礼: The marriage took place at a registry office in Birmingham. 婚礼在伯明翰的一所注册处举行。 ☞ Look at the note at wedding. 参看wedding的注释。 ☞verb get married (to sb) or marry (sb) 动词为get married (to sb) marry (sb)




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