

词汇 condescend
释义 condescend
/ˌkɒndɪˈsend ||; ˌkɑndɪˈsɛnd/verb[I]
1 condescend (to sb) to behave towards sb in a way that shows that you think you are better or more important than him/her; to patronize sb 表现出优越感;以恩赐的姿态对待
2 condescend (to do sth) to do sth that you believe is below your level of importance 屈尊;屈就;俯就: Celia only condescends to speak to me when she wants me to do something for her. 西莉亚需要我为她做事的时候,才会屈就地来与我说话。 condescending adj a condescending smile 傲慢的微笑 condescension /ˌkɒndɪˈsenʃn ||; ˌkɑndɪˈsɛnʃən/ noun [U]




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