

词汇 only
释义 *only
/ˈəʊnli ||; ˈonlɪ/adj advconj (only before a noun 只用于名词前)
1 with no others existing or present 唯一的;仅有的: I was the only woman in the room. 当时我是屋里唯一的女性。This is the only dress we have in your size. 这是我们仅有的一件合你尺码的连衣裙。
2 and no one or nothing else; no more than 只;仅: She only likes pop music. 她只喜欢流行音乐。I've only asked a few friends to the party. 我只叫了几个朋友来这个聚会。It's only one o'clock. 现在才一点钟。
3 the most suitable or the best 最适合的;最好的: It's so cold that the only thing to do is to sit by the fire. 天气太冷了,唯一能做的事就是坐炉火旁边。
In written English only is usually placed before the word it refers to. In spoken English we can use stress to show which word it refers to and only does not have to change position I only kissed ˈJane (= I kissed Jane and no one else). I only ˈkissed Jane (= I kissed Jane but I didn't do anything else). 在书面语中,only通常放在所指的词前面。在口语中,only所指的词可用重读表示,因而only无须改变位置:I only kissed ˈJane.我只吻过简(没有吻过其他人)。 · I only ˈkissed Jane.我只吻了简(没有做其他的事)。
4 (informal 非正式) except that; but 只是;可是;不过: The film was very good, only it was a bit too long. 这部电影很好看,不过略为长了一点。
if onlyIFnot only... but also both... and 不但…而且…: He not only did the shopping but he also cooked the meal. 他不但买了菜,还做了饭。 only just
1 not long ago 刚才;刚刚: I've only just started this job. 我刚刚开始做这工作。
2 almost not; hardly 差点没有;几乎不: We only just had enough money to pay for the meal. 我们的钱差点不够付那顿饭的费用。




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