

词汇 precipitate
释义 precipitate¹
/prɪˈsɪpɪteɪt ||; prɪˈsɪpəˌtet/verb [T] (formal 正式)
1 to make sth, especially sth bad, happen suddenly or sooner than it should 使突然或提前发生(尤指坏事)
2 precipitate sb/sth into sth to suddenly force sb/sth into a particular state or condition 使骤然处于或陷入(某状态): The president's assassination precipitated the country into war. 暗杀总统事件使该国陷入战争状态。
/prɪˈsɪpɪtət ||; prɪˈsɪpətɪt/adj (formal 正式) (used about an action or a decision 指行动或决定) happening very quickly or suddenly and usually without enough care and thought 仓促的;轻率的 precipitately adv
/prɪˈsɪpɪteɪt ||; prɪˈsɪpəˌtet/noun [C] (technical术语) a solid substance that has been separated from a liquid in a chemical process 沉淀物




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