

词汇 recover
释义 *recover
/rɪˈkʌvə(r) ||; rɪˈkʌvɚ/verb
1 [I] recover (from sth) to become well again after you have been ill 康复;复原;痊愈: It took him two months to recover from the operation. 手术后,他过了两个月才康复。
2 [I] recover (from sth) to get back to normal again after a bad experience, etc 恢复正常: The old lady never really recovered from the shock of being mugged. 老太太遭抢劫受惊后,再也没有完全恢复过来。
3 [T] recover sth (from sb/sth) to find or get back sth that was lost or stolen 寻回,取回(遗失或失窃的物品): Police recovered the stolen goods from a warehouse in South London. 警方在伦敦南部的一个仓库中寻回赃物。
4 [T] to get back the use of your senses, control of your emotions, etc 恢复知觉;(心情)平静下来




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