

词汇 reckon
释义 reckon
/ˈrekən ||; ˈrɛkən/verb [T] (informal 非正式)
1 to think; to have an opinion about sth 想;认为: She's very late now. I reckon (that) she isn't coming. 她已经晚了很久。我想她不会来了。I think she's forgotten. What do you reckon? 我想她忘了。你认为呢?
2 to calculate sth approximately 估计: I reckon the journey will take about half an hour. 我估计这趟行程将会花半小时左右。
3 to expect to do sth 预料: I wasn't reckoning to pay so much. 我没有预料到要付这么多钱。
reckon on sth to expect sth to happen and therefore to base a plan or action on it 预期某事会发生而据以作出计划或行动: I didn't book in advance because I wasn't reckoning on tickets being so scarce. 我没有预订,因为我没料到票会这么少。 reckon (sth) up to calculate the total amount or number of sth 计算(全部的数量或数目) reckon with sb/sth to think about sb/sth as a possible problem 考虑到




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