

词汇 next
释义 *next
/nekst ||; nɛkst/adj adv
1 (usually with the 通常与the连用) coming immediately after sth in order, space or time; closest 接下来的;下一个的;紧接在后的: The next bus leaves in twenty minutes. 下一班公共汽车在二十分钟后开出。The next name on the list is Paulo. 名单上的下一个名字是保罗。
Compare nearest and next. The next means ‘the following’ in a series of events or places When is your next appointment? Turn left at the next traffic lights. The nearest means ‘the closest’ in time or place Where's the nearest supermarket? 比较nearestnextthe next表示一连串事件或地方中接着的或下一个的:When is your next appointment?你下一个约会在什么时候?·Turn left at the next traffic lights.在下一个交通灯处向左拐。the nearest表示时间或空间上最接近的:Where's the nearest supermarket? 最近的超级市场在哪儿?
2 (used without the before days of the week, months, seasons, years, etc) the one immediately following the present one (用于星期、月份、季节、年份等的某一天前,不加the)下一个的,接着的一个: See you again next Monday. 下星期一再见。Let's go camping next weekend. 我们下个周末去露营吧。next summer/next year/next Christmas 下个夏天;明年;下个圣诞节
3 after this or after that; then 接着;然后: I wonder what will happen next. 我真不知道接下来会发生什么事。I know Joe arrived first, but who came next? 我知道乔是第一个到的,但谁是第二个呢?It was ten years until I next saw her. 到我第二次见她的时候已经过了十年。
4 the next noun [sing] the person or thing that is next 下一个人;下一件事: If we miss this train we'll have to wait two hours for the next. 如果我们赶不上这班火车,就要等两个钟头才有下一班。
last/next but one, two etcLAST¹




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