

词汇 store
释义 *store¹
/stɔ:(r) ||; stɔr/noun[C]
1 a large shop 大型商店: She's a sales assistant in a large department store. 她是一家大型百货商店的销售助理。a furniture store 家具店 ☞Look at chain store. 参看chain store
2 (US 美) =SHOP¹
3 a supply of sth that you keep for future use; the place where it is kept 储备;贮藏室: a good store of food for the winter 储藏大量过冬的食物Police discovered a weapons store in the house. 警方发现这幢房子里藏着武器。
in store (for sb/sth) going to happen in the future 将会发生: There's a surprise in store for you when you get home! 你回到家里将会有令你惊喜的事! set... store by sth to consider sth to be important 重视(某事物): Nick sets great store by his mother's opinion. 尼克很重视他妈妈的意见。
/stɔ:(r) ||; stɔr/verb [T] to keep sth or a supply of sth for future use 储备;贮藏: to store information on a computer 把资料贮存在计算机里




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