

词汇 shine
释义 *shine¹
/ʃaɪn ||; ʃaɪn/verb (past tense past participle shone /ʃɒn; US ʃəʊn ||; ʃon/)
1 [I] to send out or to send back (reflect) light; to be bright 发光;反射光线;照耀: I could see a light shining in the distance. 我看见远处亮着一盏灯。The sea shone in the light of the moon. 海水在月光下闪闪发亮。
2 [T] to direct a light at sb/sth (用灯)照射: The policeman shone a torch on the stranger's face. 警察把手电筒往那个陌生人的脸上照射。
3 [I] shine (at/in sth) to be very good at a school subject, a sport, etc (学生在某学科、体育等方面)出类拔萃: She has always shone at languages. 她在语言方面总是名列前茅。
/ʃaɪn ||; ʃaɪn/noun[sing]
1 a bright effect caused by light hitting a polished surface 光亮;光泽
2 the act of polishing sth so that it shines 擦亮




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