

词汇 add
释义 *add
/æd ||; æd/verb
1 [I,T] add (sth) (to sth) to put sth together with sth else, so that you increase the size, number, value, etc 加添: I added a couple more items to the list. 我在购物单上又加了几样东西。The noise of the crowd added to the excitement of the race. 人群的嘈杂声为赛事增添了活跃气氛。The juice contains no added sugar. 这果汁不含添加糖。
2 [I,T] to put numbers or amounts together so that you get a total 相加而得出总数;加上: If you add 3 and3 together, you get 6. 3加3等于6。 Add $8 tothe total, to cover postage and packing. 总额要再加8元,作为邮资和包装费。Ronaldo cost more than all the other players added together. 罗讷尔多的薪酬比其他所有球员加起来还要高。 [OPP] subtract 反义词为 subtract
3 [T] to say sth more 补充说: ‘By the way, please don't tell anyone I phoned you,’ she added. 她补充说:“顺便说一句,请别把我给你打电话的事告诉任何人。”
add sth on (to sth) to include sth 包括;附加: 10% will be added on to your bill as a service charge. 账单上另加10%作为服务费。 add up to seem to be a true explanation 合理: I'm sorry, but your story just doesn't add up. 对不起,你说的话根本不合情理。 add (sth) up to find the total of several numbers (将几个数字)加起来: The waiter hadn't added up the bill correctly. 服务员将账项加错了。 add up to sth to have as a total 总计达: How much does all the shopping add up to? 买这些东西总共花去多少钱?




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