

词汇 PIN
释义 PIN
/pɪn ||; pɪn/(also PIN number) noun [C] [usu.sing] personal identification number; a number given to you by your bank so that you can use a plastic card to take out money from a cash machine 个人身分识别号(码);个人密码
/pɪn ||; pɪn/verb [T] (pinning;pinned)
1 pin sth to/on sth;pin sth together to fasten sth with a pin or pins 用针别住;用夹子固定: Could you pin this notice on the board, please? 请你把这张通知钉在布告板上,可以吗?
2 pin sb/sth against, to, under, etc sth to make sb/sth unable to move by holding or pressing down on him/her/it 使不能动弹;按住;压住: He caught his brother and pinned him to the floor. 他捉住他的弟弟,把他按在地板上。He was pinned under the fallen tree. 他被那棵倒下来的树压住了。
pin (all) your hopes on sb/sth to believe completely that sb/sth will help you or will succeed 把希望全部寄托在…之上 pin sb down
1 to hold sb so he/she cannot move 使某人不能移动;按住某人
2 to force sb to decide sth or to say exactly what he/she is going to do 迫使某人决定某事;使确切地说明意图: Can you pin her down to what time she'll be coming? 你能叫她定下来访的时间吗?
pin sth down to describe or explain exactly what sth is 确切地描述或解释某事物




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