

词汇 tick
释义 tick¹
/tɪk ||; tɪk/verb
1 [I] (used about a clock or watch) to make regular short sounds (指钟表)发出滴答声
2 (UScheck) [T] to put a mark (√) next to a name, an item on a list, etc to show that sth has been dealt with or chosen, or that it is correct 打钩(表示已作处理、已选定或正确): Please tick the appropriate box. 请在适当的方框内打钩。
what makes sb/sth tick the reasons why sb behaves or sth works in the way he/she/it does (人行为的)原因;(物运作的)原理: He has a strong interest in people and what makes them tick. 他对人及其行为的原由深感兴趣。 tick away/by (used about time) to pass (指时间)过去,消逝 tick sb/sth off to put a mark (√) next to a name an item on a list, etc to show that sth has been done or sb has been dealt with 打钩(表示已经完成或处理) tick over(informal 非正式) (usually used in the continuous tenses 通常用于进行时)
1 (used about an engine) to run slowly while the vehicle is not moving (指发动机)慢转,空转
2 to keep working slowly without producing or achieving very much 进展缓慢;呆滞
/tɪk ||; tɪk/noun[C]
1 (UScheck markcheck) a mark (√) next to an item on a list that shows that sth has been done or is correct (表示正确或已完成的)钩号,对号: Put a tick after each correct answer. 在正确的答案后面打钩。
2 (also ticking) the regular short sound that a watch or clock makes when it is working (钟表的)滴答声
3 (Brit 英) (informal 非正式) a moment 一会儿
4 a small animal with eight legs, like an insect, that bites humans and animals and sucks their blood 蜱;壁虱 ☞picture at arachnidarachnid插图




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