

词汇 quotation marks
释义 quoˈtation marks
(also ˈspeech marks(informal 非正式)quotes (brit also 英亦作) inˌverted ˈcommas) noun [pl] the signs ‘...’ or "..." that you put around a word, a sentence, etc to show that it is what sb said or wrote, that it is a title, or that you are using it in a special way 引号(‘...’或“... ”)
/kwəʊt ||; kwot/verb
1 [I,T] quote (sth) (from sb/sth) to repeat exactly sth that sb else has said or written before 引用,引述(某人的话或文字) · The minister asked the newspaper not to quote him. 大臣要求那家报纸不要引用他的话。
2 [T] to give sth as an example to support what you are saying 提出或援引(某事物)以支持(所说的话)
3 [I,T] to say what the cost of a piece of work, etc will probably be 报(价)




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