

词汇 understand
释义 *understand
/ˌʌndəˈstænd ||; ˌʌndɚˈstænd/verb (past tense past participle understood /-ˈstʊd ||; -ˈstυd/)
1 [I,T] to know or realize the meaning of sth 明白;理解: I'm not sure that I really understand. 我不肯定自己是否真的明白。I didn't understand the instructions. 我不明白那些指示。Please speak more slowly. I can't understand you. 请说得慢一点,我听不明白。Do you understand what I'm asking you? 你明白我在问你什么吗?
2 [T] to know how or why sth happens or why it is important 了解,理解(原因、情况或重要性): I can't understand why the engine won't start. 我不知道发动机为什么开不动。As far as I understand it, the changes won't affect us. 据我所知,这些改变不会影响我们。
3 [T] to know sb's character and why he/she behaves in a particular way 体谅;谅解: It's easy to understand why she felt so angry. 她那样生气,原因很易理解。
4 [T] (formal 正式) to have heard or been told sth 听说;得知;获悉
give sb to believe/understand (that)BELIEVEmake yourself understood to make your meaning clear 把意思表达清楚: I can just about make myself understood in Russian. 我的俄语仅足以表达意思。




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