

词汇 great
释义 *great¹
/greɪt ||; gret/adj
1 large in amount, degree, size, etc; a lot of 大的;巨大的: We had great difficulty in solving the problem. 我们解决这个问题有很大困难。The party was a great success. 这个酒会搞得很成功。
2 particularly important; of unusually high quality 特别重要的;品质奇佳的: Einstein was perhaps the greatest scientist of the century. 爱因斯坦也许是20世纪最伟大的科学家。 ☞Look at the note at big. 参看big的注释。
3 (informal 非正式) good; wonderful 极好的;非常愉快的: We had a great time in Paris. 我们在巴黎玩得很开心。 It's great to see you again. 又见到你,真是太好了。
4 (informal 非正式) (used to emphasize adjectives of size, quantity, etc) very; very good (用于强调表示大小、数量等的形容词)十分,极好的: There was a great big dog in the garden. 花园里有一条巨大无比的狗。They were great friends. 他们是很要好的朋友。
5 great- used before a noun to show a family relationship (用于名词前,表示亲属关系)
Great- can be added to other words for family members to show another generation your great-aunt (= the aunt of your mother or father) your great-grandchild (= the son or daughter of one of your grandchildren) your great-grandparents (= the parents of your grandparents) your great-great-grandfather (= the grandfather of one of your grandparents). great-可以加在其他表示亲属的词语前面,表示“隔两代”:your great-aunt (= the aunt of your mother or father)伯祖母;叔祖母;舅婆;姑婆;姨婆·your great-grandchild(= the son or daughter of one of your grandchildren)曾孙(女);曾外孙(女)·your great-grandparents(= parents of your grandparents) (外)曾祖父;(外)曾祖母·your great-great-grandfather(= the grandfather of one of your grandparents)高祖父 greatness noun [U] go to great lengthsLENGTHa good/great dealDEAL²a good/great manyMANY
/greɪt ||; gret/noun [C] [usu.pl] (informal 非正式) a person or thing of special ability or importance 超卓或重要的人或事物: That film is one of the all-time greats. 这部电影是历来最叫座的电影之一。




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