

词汇 admit
释义 *admit
/ədˈmɪt ||; ədˈmɪt/verb (admitting;admitted)
1 [I,T] admit sth;admit to sth/doing sth;admit (that...) to agree that sth unpleasant is true or that you have done sth wrong 承认某事属实(通常指令人不快的事或错误): He refused to admit to the theft. 他不肯承认偷了东西。You should admit your mistake. 你应当承认错误。After trying four times to pass the exam, I finally admitted defeat. 我四次想要通过考试不果,终于承认失败。I have to admit (that) I was wrong. 我不得不承认我错了。She admitted having broken the computer. 她承认弄坏了计算机。 [OPP] deny 反义词为 deny
2 [T] admit sb/sth (into/to sth) to allow sb/sth to enter; to take sb into a place 准许进入、加入;接受某人进入: He was admitted to hospital with suspected appendicitis. 他因怀疑患上阑尾炎而入院。




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