

词汇 natural
释义 *natural¹
/ˈnætʃrəl ||; ˈnætʃrəl/adj
1 (onlybeforea noun 只用于名词前) existing in nature; not made or caused by human beings 存在于自然界的;天然的: I prefer to see animals in their natural habitat rather than in zoos. 我喜欢动物在自然环境中生活,不愿看见它们在动物园里。Britain's natural resources include coal, oil and gas. 英国的天然资源包括煤、石油及天然气。She died of natural causes (= of old age or illness). 她死于自然。
2 usual or normal 通常的;正常的: It's natural to feel nervous before an interview. 在面试之前感到紧张是人之常情。 [OPP] unnatural 反义词为unnatural
3 that you had from birth or that was easy for you to learn 天生的;天赋的;与生俱来的: a natural gift for languages 语言天分
4 (onlybeforea noun 只用于名词前) (used about parents or their children) related by blood (指父母或其子女)亲生的,有血统关系的: She's his stepmother, not his natural mother. 她是他的继母,不是生母。
5 (in music) used after the name of a note to show that the note is neither SHARP(= half a note higher), nor FLAT(= half a note lower). The written symbol is (♮). (音乐)本位的(用于音符名称后,书面符号是♮): B natural B本位音
/ˈnætʃrəl ||; ˈnætʃrəl/noun [C] (in music) a normal musical note, not its SHARP or FLAT form. The written symbol is (♮). (音乐)本位音(书面符号是♮) ☞picture at musicmusic插图




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