

词汇 perspective
释义 perspective
/pəˈspektɪv ||; pɚˈspɛktɪv/noun
1 [U] the ability to think about problems and decisions in a reasonable way without exaggerating them 理智地考虑问题和做决定的能力: Hearing about others' experiences often helps to put your own problems into perspective(= makes them seem less important than you thought). 听听别人的经验往往有助理智地考虑自己的问题。Try to keep these issues in perspective(= do not exaggerate them). 尽量实事求是地考虑这些问题。
2 [C] your opinion or attitude towards sth 看法;观点: Try and look at this from my perspective. 试着尽量从我的角度来看待这件事。
3 [U] the art of drawing on a flat surface so that some objects appear to be farther away than others 透视法




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