

词汇 intrigue
释义 intrigue¹
/ɪnˈtri:g ||; ɪnˈtrig/verb [T] to make sb very interested and wanting to know more 使感兴趣或想了解更多: I was intrigued by the way he seemed to know all about us already. 他似乎已经对我们了如指掌,这使我感到很好奇。 intriguing adj an intriguing story 引人入胜的故事
/ˈɪntri:g ||; ˈɪntrig/noun [C,U] secret plans to do sth, especially sth bad 秘密计划(尤指做坏事的);阴谋 ;诡计: The film is about political intrigues against the government. 本片讲的是关于反对政府的政治阴谋。· His new novel is full of intrigue and suspense. 他新近写的那本小说充满阴谋悬疑。




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