

词汇 award
释义 *award¹
/əˈwɔ:d ||; əˈwɔrd/noun[C]
1 a prize, etc that sb gets for doing sth well 奖;奖赏;奖品: This year the awards for best actor and actress went to two Americans. 今年的最佳男演员和最佳女演员奖项由两位美国人获得。
2 an amount of money given to sb as the result of a court decision 据法庭裁定而支付的一笔钱;裁定额: She received an award of £5000 for damages. 她获判给损害赔偿金5000英镑。
/əˈwɔ:d ||; əˈwɔrd/verb [T] award sth (to sb) to give sth to sb as a prize, payment, etc 奖励;给予;判给(赔偿): She was awarded first prize in the gymnastics competition. 她在体操比赛中得到第一名。The court awarded £10000 each to the workers injured in the accident. 法院裁定在意外事故中受伤的工人每人可获赔偿10000英镑。




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