

词汇 control
释义 *control¹
/kənˈtrəʊl ||; kənˈtrol/noun
1 [U] control (of/over sb/sth) power and ability to make sb/sth do what you want 控制: Rebels managed to take control of the radio station. 叛乱分子设法控制了那家电台。Some teachers find it difficult to keep control of their class. 有些老师觉得很难管好自己的班级。He lost control of the car and crashed. 他的车失去控制撞毁了。I was late because of circumstances beyond my control. 我因为一些自己无法控制的事而迟到。
2 [C,U] (a) control (on/over sth) a limit on sth; a way of keeping sb/sth within certain limits 限制;约束: price controls 物价控制The faults forced the company to review its quality control procedures. 因为出了毛病,公司不得不检讨质量管理程序。
3 [C] one of the parts of a machine that is used for operating it 控制器;操纵装置: the controls of an aeroplane/a TV 飞机╱电视机的操纵装置a control panel 控制盘
4 [sing] the place from which sth is operated or where sth is checked 控制室;检查站: We went through passport control and then got onto the plane. 我们通过护照检查,然后登机。
be in control (of sth) to have the power or ability to deal with sth 掌握,控制(某事物): The police are again in control of the area following last night's violence. 昨夜暴力事件发生后,警方已重新控制该地区。 be/get out of control to be/become impossible to deal with 不受控制;失去控制: The demonstration got out of control and fighting broke out. 示威失去控制,打斗随之发生。 under control being dealt with successfully 得到控制: It took several hours to bring the fire under control. 花了好几个小时火势才得到控制。
/kənˈtrəʊl ||; kənˈtrol/verb [T] (controlling;controlled)
1 to have power and ability to make sb/sth do what you want 支配;控制;掌管: One family controls the company. 这家公司由一个家族控制。Police struggled to control the crowd. 警方竭力控制群众。I couldn't control myself any longer and burst out laughing. 我再也忍不住,大笑起来。
2 to keep sth within certain limits 限制;管制: measures to control price rises 管制物价上扬的措施 controller noun [C] air traffic controllers 空中交通管制人员




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