

词汇 rent
释义 *rent¹
/rent ||; rɛnt/noun [U] [C] money that you pay regularly for the use of land, a house or a building 租金;房租: a high/low rent 昂贵的/便宜的租金She was allowed to live there rent-free until she found a job. 她被准许免交房租住在那里,直到她找到工作。Is this house for rent (= available to rent)? 这房子出租吗?
/rent ||; rɛnt/verb[T]
1 rent sth (from sb) to pay money for the use of land, a building, a machine, etc 租用;租借: Do you own or rent your television? 你的电视机是自己的还是租的?to rent a flat 租一套公寓 ☞ Look at the note at hire ¹(1). 参看hire^1(1)的注释。
2 rent sth (out) (to sb) to allow sb to use land, a building, a machine, etc for money (向某人)出租(土地、建筑物、机器等): We could rent out the small bedroom to a student. 我们可以把那间小卧室租给一个学生。 ☞Look at hire ¹(3). 参看hire^1(3)。
3 (US 美) =HIRE¹(1)
4 (US 美) =HIRE¹(3)




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