

词汇 trace
释义 *trace¹
/treɪs ||; tres/noun
1 [C,U] a mark, an object or a sign that shows that sb/sth existed or happened: traces of an earlier civilization · The man disappeared/ vanished without trace.
2 [C] a trace (of sth) a very small amount of sth: Traces of blood were found under her fingernails.
/treɪs ||; tres/verb[T]
1 trace sb/sth (to sth) to find out where sb/sth is by following marks, signs or other information: The wanted man was traced to an address in Amsterdam.
2 trace sth (back) (to sth) to find out where sth came from or what caused it; to describe the development of sth: She traced her family tree back to the 16th century.
3 to make a copy of a map, plan, etc by placing a piece of transparent paper (tracing paper)over it and drawing over the lines




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