

词汇 major
释义 *major¹
/ˈmeɪdʒə(r) ||; ˈmedʒɚ/adj
1 (only before a noun 只用于名词前) very large, important or serious 庞大的;重要的;严重的: The patient needs major heart surgery. 病人的心脏需要施行大手术。There haven't been any major problems. 没有出现过任何大问题。 [OPP] minor 反义词为minor
2 of one of the two types of key¹(4) in which music is usually written 大调的;大音阶的: the key of D major D大调 ☞Look at minor. 参看minor
/ˈmeɪdʒə(r) ||; ˈmedʒɚ/noun
1 (abbr Maj.) [C] an officer of a middle level in the army or the US air force 陆军少校;美国空军少校
2 [C] (US 美) the main subject or course of a student at college or university; the student who studies it (学生在学院或大学的)主修科目或课程;主修某课程的学生: Her major is French. 她主修法语。
3 [U] (used in music) a type of key¹(4) or scale (音乐)大调,大音阶: a change from major to minor 从大调变成小调
/ˈmeɪdʒə(r) ||; ˈmedʒɚ/verbmajor in sth (US 美) to study sth as your main subject at college or university 主修,专研(学院或大学的某一科目)




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