

词汇 charlatan
释义 charlatan
/ˈʃɑ:lətən ||; ˈʃɑrlətṇ/noun [C] a person who says that he/she has knowledge or skills that he/she does not really have 假充内行者
/tʃɑ:m ||; tʃɑrm/verb[T]
1 to please and attract sb 取悦;吸引: Her drawings have charmed children all over the world. 她的画迷倒了世界各地的儿童。
2 to protect sb/sth as if by magic 用魔法或符咒保护: He has led a charmed life, surviving serious illness and a plane crash. 他的生命如有神灵庇佑,经历过大病和坠机意外也大难不死。




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