

词汇 bored
释义 bored
/bɔ:d ||; bɔrd/adj bored (with sth) feeling tired and perhaps slightly annoyed because sth is not interesting or because you do not have anything to do 厌烦的;感到乏味的: I'm bored with eating the same thing every day. 每天吃同样的东西我吃腻了。The children get bored on long journeys. 长途旅游令孩子们感到厌倦。He gave a bored yawn. 他憋得慌,打了个呵欠。The play was awful -- we were bored stiff (= extremely bored). 这台戏糟透了,我们都憋得慌。 If you have nothing to do, or if what you are doing does not interest you, then you are bored. The person or thing that makes you feel like this is boring. 如果你无事可做,或者你对在干的事不感兴趣,你就觉得厌倦(bored)。使你产生这种感觉的人或物是令人厌倦的(boring)。




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