

词汇 conform
释义 conform
/kənˈfɔ:m ||; kənˈfɔrm/verb [I] conform (to sth)
1 to obey a rule or law 遵守(规章、法律): This building does not conform to fire regulations. 这座大厦违反消防条例。
2 to behave in the way that other people and society expect you to behave 顺从,依从(他人及社会的期望);从众: Children are under a lot of pressure to conform when they first start school. 儿童刚开始上学时会受到很大压力,他们要学会遵守校规。 conformity /kənˈfɔ:məti ||; kənˈfɔrmətɪ/ noun [U]




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