

词汇 inaugurate
释义 inaugurate
/ɪˈnɔ:gjəreɪt ||; ɪnˈɔgjəˌret/verb[T]
1 to introduce a new official, leader, etc at a special formal ceremony 为(官员、领袖等)举行就职典礼: He will be inaugurated as President next month. 他将于下个月就任总统。
2 to start, introduce or open sth new (often at a special formal ceremony) (在仪式中)启用或开创新事物 inaugural /ɪˈnɔ:gjərəl ||; ɪnˈɔgjərəl/ adj (only before a noun 只用于名词前) the President's inaugural speech 总统的就职演说 inauguration /ɪˌnɔ:gjəˈreɪʃn ||; ɪnˌɔgjəˈreʃn/ noun [C,U]




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