雅思口语Part 2:描述一位擅长说中文的外国人


最近,有同学问了这样一道题“Describe a foreigner who speaks Chinese very well”。既然说到这个话题,那我可得好好跟你聊聊我的朋友马克了。你别看他刚来中国没两年,但是他的中文说的那叫一个流利。如果你以为他的厉害之处就仅此而已了的话,那你可就大错特错了。用同他一起来中国工作的英国老乡的话说,他简直就是中英两国友谊的桥梁。想知道作为桥梁的他究竟都做了哪些有意义的活动嘛?那就跟我一起往下听听吧~



本期Part 2 话题

Describe a foreigner who speaks Chinese very well

You should say:

Who this person is

Where he/she is from

How he/she learns Chinese

And explain why he can speak Chinese well



I would like to share my admiration for a remarkable individual, Mark, who has not only embraced the Chinese language but has also become exceptionally proficient in it. Mark, a British expatriate, moved to China for work a few years ago and decided to fully immerse himself in the local culture, including mastering the intricacies of the Chinese language.


What sets Mark apart is not just his linguistic abilities but also his deep understanding of Chinese customs and traditions. He seamlessly navigates daily conversations with native speakers, showcasing an impressive command of Mandarin. His pronunciation is flawless, and he effortlessly incorporates colloquial expressions into his speech.

Mark's dedication to learning Chinese goes beyond the language itself. He actively engages with the community, participating in language exchange programs and cultural events. His passion for Chinese literature and history further reflects his commitment to a holistic understanding of the language.


Witnessing Mark effortlessly switch between English and Chinese is truly inspiring. His linguistic prowess has not only facilitated effective communication but has also fostered genuine connections with the local community. Mark serves as a living testament to the power of language as a bridge between cultures, breaking down barriers and fostering cross-cultural understanding.


Words & expressions in this episode

1. intricacy n. 复杂

2. dedication n. 全身心的投入,奉献

3. holistic adj. 整体的,全面的

4. prowess n. 才能