雅思口语Part 2:描述一个被改善的公共设施


最近,有同学问了这样一道题“Describe a public facility (e.g. a museum, a library) that has been renovated and improved”。说到这个话题,我可得好好跟你介绍介绍我们社区最近刚刚翻新的宝藏图书馆了!你别看它名义上只是个社区图书馆,但是翻新之后的它真的是无奇不有!不仅图书馆的开放面积变大了,而且还融入了新的鲜艳色彩和现代设计元素。但这些都不是最吸引我的点!不信你就和我一起往下听听吧~ 



本期Part 2 话题

Describe a public facility (e.g. a museum, a library) that has been renovated and improved

You should say:

What the facility is

When it was renovated and improved

What has been renovated and improved

And explain how you feel about it





The public facility I would like to discuss is the local library, a cherished community space that recently underwent a remarkable renovation last year, transforming it into a modern haven for knowledge seekers. The library, once a quaint repository of books, now boasts state-of-the-art facilities and an inviting ambiance.


The renovation involved expanding the physical space, incorporating vibrant colors, and integrating contemporary design elements. The addition of comfortable seating areas and collaborative workspaces has turned the library into a multifunctional hub for learning and socializing. The introduction of cutting-edge technology, such as interactive touch screens and high-speed Wi-Fi, has elevated the library's role beyond a mere book repository to a dynamic digital resource center.

Furthermore, the collection has been meticulously curated and diversified to cater to the evolving interests of the community. The renovation has not only breathed new life into the library but has also attracted a more diverse audience. It has become a cultural hub hosting events, workshops, and author talks, fostering a sense of community engagement.


In conclusion, the revitalization of our local library has transformed it into a modern, inclusive space that caters to the diverse needs of its patrons. The improved facilities have successfully bridged the gap between traditional and contemporary modes of learning, making the library a vibrant cornerstone of our community.


Words & expressions in this episode

1. state-of-the-art adj. 进的

2. ambiance n. 氛围,周围环境,格调

3. cutting-edge adj. 的,领先的

4. cornerstone n. 基石,支柱,基础