雅思词汇解析(81)| 职场



1. glass ceiling

释义:an unfair system or set of attitudes that prevents women from getting the most powerful jobs. 隐形顶障指社会上限制女性升迁的态度和传统

常见搭配:break/ shatter /hit glass ceiling 打破职场天花板。

e.g. Every girl who enrolls in a school, every woman who stands up against domestic violence, every female leader who shatters the glass ceiling, brings us one step closer to a world of equality.

e.g. Despite the glass ceiling, women do make it to the top jobs in many areas of work and business, even in the male-dominated world of politics.

补充:enroll in 注册

domestic violence 家庭暴力


如话题:What do people usually complain about?

Many women in the workplace are bothered by the glass ceiling that bars them from being assigned higher positions. They are taken less seriously and considered to be less competent and authoritative compared to men.  



2. work ethic

释义:the belief that hard work is morally right. 职业道德; 敬业精神

e.g. Any culture can get the work ethic if the institutions are there to create the incentive to work.

e.g. They excel at the task because of their strength, stamina, intelligence, and work ethic. 

补充:incentive 刺激;激励;奖励

excel at 擅长;突出

stamina 耐力,持久力


如话题:describe a successful businessperson.

He is a self-made man whose rag-to-riches story is inspiring. It was his strong work ethic, dedication and persistence that shaped who he is today. 


3. brain drain

释义:a situation in which many educated or professional people leave a particular place or profession and move to another one that gives them better pay or living conditions人才流失;人才外流

e.g. To prevent brain drain, the government implemented policies aimed at retaining skilled workers and incentivizing them to stay and contribute to the country's development.

e.g. The tech industry experienced a significant brain drain as talented software developers were lured away by lucrative job offers from competing companies.

补充:lucrative 获利多的;赚大钱的

incentivize v.以物质刺激鼓励


4. turnover /'t??n??v?/

释义:The turnover of people in an organization or place is the rate at which people leave and are replaced.  (人员的)流动率(通常用单数)

e.g. This company has experienced a huge turnover in the past two years.

e.g. High employee turnover has been a recurring problem throughout the hospitality industry.

剑桥听力17-4-2:A lot of managers think it’s this and the long hours that are the main causes of high staff turnover – but what they don’t realize is that it’s the lack of training in many hotel jobs which is a huge factor.

补充:recurring adj.反复出现的

Hospitality industry 服务行业


如话题:What qualities should be considered when recruiting employees?

In addition to work experience and competence, the stability is also highly valued. High turnover rates can result in some issues within an organization, including low morale, decreased efficiency and increased workloads due to additional responsibilities.