超实用:雅思词汇解析(80)| 拍照

  1. composition /k?mp?'z??(?)n/
  n. 组合与构成方式;构图
  剑桥18-3-1: So it was the composition of the picture that they criticized? That ‘s right, and once they told me that, I could see my mistake.
  e.g. First of all, a good composition is key to a lovely shot. Normally, an image’s centre of interest is placed at one of the intersetions that trisect the whole picture.
  补充:shot n. 照片
  intersection n.交叉点,相交处
  trisect v.把…截成三段
  如口语话题:describe a picture you like.
  The composition creates a sense of tranquility and harmony, inviting he viewers to immerse themselves in the peaceful serenity of the natural world.
  补充:tranquility / serenity 安详;宁静
  2. candid /'kænd?d/
  adj. 抓拍的;偷拍的
  搭配:candid snapshots / pictures 抓拍照
  capture candid moments 抓拍
  e.g. I love capturing candid moments during family gatherings; they're so genuine and heartfelt.
  e.g. Sometimes the most memorable photographs are the candid ones taken when nobody is posing, just living in the moment.
  补充:pose v.摆造型
  memorable adj. 值得纪念的, 值得记忆的
  live in the moment 享受当下
  3. validation /?væli'dei??n/
  n. 认可;认同
  如口语话题:Why do some people like sharing photos on social media?
  Posting photos on social media sometime can be viewed as a means of seeking validation and recognition. Appreciative comments and likes can boost self-esteem and a sense of social acceptance.
  v. validate 证明…有价值;认可;
  e.g. Those who desperately seek validation only find a sense of self-satisfaction when they are validated, flattered or obeyed.
  4. document /'d?kj?m(?)nt/
  v. 用(文字、影片、照片等)记录
  e.g. People use social media as a digital diary to document important life events, such as birthdays, graduations and other milestones.
  e.g. They whole trip was documented by thousands of candid shots. These authentic moments have become cherished memories that can be revisited over time.
  e.g. Many ancient populations used writings, also known as inscriptions, to document different parts of their lives.
  补充:cherished memory 珍贵的记忆
  revisit v. 重新浏览,重游
  milestone n. 重要事件;重要阶段