
  1. 内容多样:托福听力涵盖讲座、对话、学术讨论等多种场景,话题涉及自然科学、社会科学、人文科学等领域。
  2. 信息量大:托福听力题目要求考生在短时间内获取并理解大量信息。
  3. 听力+阅读:托福听力部分与阅读部分相结合,考生需在听力过程中捕捉关键信息,以便在阅读部分进行判断。
  4. 题型多样:托福听力题型包括选择题、填空题、匹配题等。
  3..在精听的过程中,找细小的信号词,找逻辑。例如:actually, in fact, problem, special, but, however, evidence等等,后面经常出考点。一篇文章总结10-20多个这样的情况。你会发现后面再听就很清晰。会养成喜欢。10篇起步。在能力不好的情况下,建议从15前的题目分析。能力提高再做后面的题目。
  Lecturer: Good morning, everyone. Welcome to our lecture on American literature. Today, we're going to discuss the novel "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. This novel is often considered one of the most important works of the 20th century.
  Student: Uh, I'm sorry, Professor, but could you repeat the title of the novel you just mentioned?
  Lecturer: Certainly. The title of the novel we're going to discuss is "The Great Gatsby". Now, let's move on to the next point.
  1. 开头句:Lecturer introduces the topic of the lecture and the novel "The Great Gatsby".
  2. 学生提问:Student asks the professor to repeat the title of the novel.
  3. 教授回答:Lecturer repeats the title of the novel and continues with the lecture.
  1. 抓住关键词:在听力过程中,注意捕捉关键词,如人名、地名、名词等。
  2. 预测下文:根据开头句和题目,预测下文可能会讨论的内容。
  3. 关注细节:在听力过程中,关注细节信息,如时间、地点、人物关系等。
  4. 做好笔记:在听力过程中,做好笔记,以便在答题时快速回忆。
  1. 听完上述听力段落,尝试回答以下问题:
  a. What is the topic of the lecture?
  b. What is the title of the novel discussed in the lecture?
  2. 听完整个托福听力篇章,完成相应的练习题。