A diplomatic dispute over surveillance deepened yesterday as European ministers reacted with disbelief and fury to reports that EU offices had been bugged by US intelligence services.
Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, Germany’s justice minister, said that a report in Der Spiegel claiming the US National Security Agency had spied on the EU was “reminiscent of the methods of foes during the cold war”.
德国司法部长萨宾•劳伊特豪瑟-施纳伦博格表示,《明镜》(Der Spiegel)发表的声称美国国家安全局(National Security Agency, NSA)对欧盟进行间谍活动的报道,“令人想起冷战时期敌对双方所用的手法”。
Laurent Fabius, France’s foreign minister, said: “These acts, if confirmed, would be completely unacceptable.”
法国外交部长洛朗•法比尤斯(Laurent Fabius)表示:“这些行为如果得到证实,将是完全不可接受的。”
Christiane Taubira, France’s justice minister, added that if the allegations were true, it would be “an act of unqualified hostility”.
法国司法部长克里斯蒂娜•托比拉(Christiane Taubira)补充称,如果这些指控属实,那将是“不折不扣的敌意行为”。
Der Spiegel said it had gained partial access to a “top secret” NSA document dated 2010 that was obtained by Edward Snowden, an agency contractor turned whistleblower. The document revealed the NSA had placed bugs and tapped internal computer networks at the EU’s offices in Washington, as well as at the EU’s mission to the UN, according to Der Spiegel.
《明镜》称,它看到了一份日期为2010年的NSA“绝密”文件的一部分,该文件是由NSA前合同工、后来变成泄密者的爱德华•斯诺登(Edward Snowden)获得的。据《明镜》报道,该文件透露,NSA在欧盟驻华盛顿办事处和欧盟驻联合国(UN)代表团放置窃听器,并侵入内部电脑网络。
The White House declined to comment yesterday.
The latest revelations could complicate efforts to forge a transatlantic trade agreement in which differing US and European approaches to data privacy are expected to be among the stumbling blocks. Martin Schulz, president of the European parliament, said he was “deeply worried and shocked” by the report, and warned of a “severe impact” on EU-US relations should the allegations prove to be true.
爆料可能使缔结跨大西洋贸易协定的努力复杂化,美国和欧洲对待数据隐私问题的不同做法,预计将在谈判中成为障碍。欧洲议会议长马丁•舒尔茨(Martin Schulz)表示,他对《明镜》的报道“深感忧虑和震惊”,并警告称,如果相关指控证明属实,欧盟与美国的关系可能受到“严重影响”。
The new revelations will compound Europe’s concerns about the US’s broad-based surveillance of EU citizens. In Germany the revelations about extensive US surveillance have caused a political furore.
“It defies all belief that our friends in the US see Europeans as enemies,” Ms Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger said. “If EU offices in Brussels and Washington were indeed monitored by US intelligence services, that can hardly be explained with the argument of fighting terrorism.”
Even before the report over the weekend, US officials acknowledged that they faced a difficult job trying to reassure EU allies that the NSA programmes were legal and did not breach citizens’ privacy.
Meanwhile, Ecuadorean president Rafael Correa said yesterday that Mr Snowden’s fate was in the hands of Russian authorities. The whistleblower is thought to still be in Moscow airport awaiting news of his asylum request from the South American country. “It’s up to the Russian authorities if he can leave the Moscow airport for anEcuadorean embassy,” Mr Correa told Reuters.
与此同时,厄瓜多尔总统拉斐尔•科雷亚(Rafael Correa)昨日表示,斯诺登的命运现在掌握在俄罗斯当局手里。这名泄密者据信仍滞留在莫斯科机场,等待着他向厄瓜多尔这个南美国家申请庇护的下文。“他可不可以离开莫斯科机场,前往厄瓜多尔大使馆,要由俄罗斯官方决定,”科雷亚对路透社(Reuters)表示。
Additional reporting by Andres Schipani and Anna Fifield
安德雷斯•斯奇巴尼(Andres Schipani)和安娜•费菲尔德(Anna Fifield)补充报道
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