/flæt ||; flæt/adj adv(
1 smooth and level, with no parts that are higher than the rest 平的;平坦的: The countryside in Essex is quite flat (= there are not many hills). 埃塞克斯郡的乡间地势平坦。I need a flat surface to write this letter on. 我需要一块平的地方好写这封信。a flat roof 平屋顶She lay flat on her back in the sunshine. 她仰卧在阳光底下。He fell flat on his face in the mud. 他脸朝下跌倒在烂泥里。
2 not high or deep 浅的: You need flat shoes for walking. 走路须要穿平跟鞋。a flat dish 浅碟
3 without much interest or energy 平板乏味的;没精打采的: Things have been a bit flat since Alex left. 亚历克斯走后,这里的情况有点乏味。
4 (only before a noun 只用于名词前) (used about sth that you say or decide) that will not change; firm (指说话、决定)不会变的,断然的: He answered our request with a flat ‘No!’ 他一口拒绝我们的要求。
5 (in music) half a note lower than the stated note (音乐)降半音的 ☞Look at sharp. 参看sharp。
6 (in music) lower than the correct note (音乐)低了调的: That last note was flat. Can you sing it again? 末了那个音低了,可以再唱一次吗?You're singing flat. 你唱的调子低了。 ☞ Look at sharp. 参看sharp。
7 (used about a drink) not fresh because it has lost its bubbles (指饮料)走了气的: Open a new bottle. That lemonade has gone flat. 那瓶汽水跑了气,另外开一瓶吧。
8 (Brit 英) (used about a battery) no longer producing electricity; not working (指电池)电用完了的: We couldn't start the car because the battery was completely flat. 电池没有电了,我们发动不了汽车。
9 (used about a tyre) without enough air in it (指车胎)泄了气的: This tyre looks flat -- has it got a puncture? 这车胎看上去泄了气──是不是给戳破了?
10 (used about the cost of sth) that is the same for everyone; that is fixed (指价格)划一的,固定的: We charge a flat fee of £20, however long you stay. 不管你住多久,我们一律收取20英镑。
11 (used for emphasizing how quickly sth is done) in exactly the time mentioned and no longer (用于强调做得快)恰好的,正好的: She can get up and out of the house in ten minutes flat. 她从起床到走出屋子,可以只用十分钟。
fall flat (used about a joke, a story, an event, etc) to fail to produce the effect that you wanted (指笑话、故事、事件等)达不到预期效果
flat out as fast as possible; without stopping 尽快;不停:
He's been working flat out for two weeks and he needs a break. 他一口气干了两个星期的活,需要休息一下了。