

词汇 state
释义 *state¹
/steɪt ||; stet/noun
1 [C] the mental, emotional or physical condition that sb/sth is in at a particular time 状况;状态: the state of the economy 经济状况He is in a state of shock. 他处于休克状态。The house is in a terrible state. 那所房子残破不堪。
2 (also State) [C] a country considered as an organized political community controlled by one government 国家: Pakistan has been an independent state since 1947. 巴基斯坦自1947年起成为独立国家。 ☞Look at the note at country. 参看country的注释。
3 especiallythe State [U] the government of a country (一国的)政府: affairs/matters of state 政务;国事the relationship between the Church and the State 教会和政府的关系a state-owned company 国营公司She went to a state school. 她上国立学校。heads of State (= government leaders) 政府首长
4 (also State) [C] an organized political community forming part of a country 州,邦(国家的一部份): the southern States of the US 美国南方各州 ☞Compare county and province. 与countyprovince比较。
5 [U] the formal ceremonies connected with high levels of government or with the leaders of countries 官方的隆重仪式: The Queen is going on a state visit to China. 女王将前往中国进行国事访问。
6 the States [pl] (informal 非正式) the United States of America 美国: We lived in the States for about five years. 我们在美国住了约五年。
be in/get into a state (especially Brit 尤为英) (informal 非正式) to be or become very nervous or upset 处于紧张或不安的状态;紧张或不安起来: Now don't get into a state! I'm sure everything will be all right. 别紧张!肯定没事的。 state of affairs a situation 情况: This state of affairs must not be allowed to continue. 这种情况不容继续。 state of mind mental condition 心理状态: She's in a very confused state of mind. 她心里乱作一团。
/steɪt ||; stet/verb [T] to say or write sth, especially formally 陈述;说明;声明: Your letter states that you sent the goods on 31 March, but we have not received them. 你的信上说明3月31日已经把货寄出,但我们没有收到。




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