(formal 正式Adˈvanced level) noun [C] an exam that schoolchildren in England, Wales and Northern Ireland take when they are about 18. You usually take A levels in two or three subjects and you need good results(
grades)if you want to go to university 高级程度会考(英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰学生约十八岁时参加的考试。通常选考两到三科,想升读大学须取得良好成绩):
How many A levels have you got? 你取得多少科高级程度考试及格?I'm doing my A levels this summer. 我今年夏天要参加高级程度考试。 ☞Compare AS (level), A2 (level) and GCSE. 与 AS(level)、A2(level) 及 GCSE 比较。