

词汇 stand
释义 *stand¹
/stænd ||; stænd/verb [I,T] (past tense past participle stood /stʊd ||; stυd/)
1 [I] to be on your feet, not sitting or lying down; to be upright 站;站立: He was standing near the window. 他站在窗口附近。 Stand still -- I'm trying to draw you! 站着别动,我想把你画下来!Only a few houses were left standing after the earthquake. 地震过后,只有几所房子没有倒塌。
2 [I] stand (up) to rise to your feet from another position 站起来: He stood up when I entered the room. 我走进房间时,他站了起来。
3 [T] to put sb/sth in a particular place or position 使处于某位置;放置: We stood the mirror against the wall while we decided where to hang it. 我们先将镜子靠在墙上,同时决定将它挂在何处。
4 [I] to be or to stay in a particular position or situation 位于,处于(某位置或状况): The castle stands on a hill. 那个城堡耸立在山上。The house has stood empty for ten years. 房子已空置了十年。
5 [I] (used about an offer, a decision, etc) to stay the same as before, without being changed (指提议、决定等)不变: Does your decision still stand? 你的决定仍维持不变吗?The world record has stood for ten years. 这个世界纪录已保持了十年。
6 [I] stand (at) sth to be of a particular height, level, amount, etc 有,是(某高度、水平、数量等): The world record stands at 6.59 metres. 世界纪录是6.59米。The building stands nearly 60 metres high. 这建筑物有将近60米高。
7 [I] stand (on sth) to have an opinion or view about sth 有某种看法或观点
8 [I] stand to do sth to be in a situation where you are likely to do sth 很可能;势必: If he has to sell the company, he stands to lose a lot of money. 如果他不得不把公司出售,就势必蒙受巨大的经济损失。
9 [I] stand (for/as sth) to be one of the people hoping to be chosen in an election (a candidate) 参选;当候选人: She's standing for the European Parliament. 她参加欧洲议会选举。
10 [T] (in negative sentences and questions, with can/could 用于否定句及疑问句,与cancould连用) to not like sb/sth at all; to hate sb/sth 根本不喜欢,讨厌(某人或某事物): I can't stand that woman -- she's so rude. 我不能容忍那个女人,她太粗鲁了。I couldn't stand the thought of waiting another two hours so I went home. 一想到还要等两个小时我就受不了,所以我回家了。 [SYN] bear 同义词为bear
11 [T] (used especially with can/could 尤与cancould连用) to be able to survive difficult conditions 能忍受,经得起(困难): Camels can stand extremely hot and cold temperatures. 骆驼能耐高温及严寒。 [SYN] take 同义词为take
stand around to stand somewhere not doing anything 闲站着: A lot of people were just standing around outside. 许多人无所事事地在外面站着。 stand aside to move to one side 站到一边: People stood aside to let the police pass. 人们站到一旁让警察通过。 stand back to move back 站到后面;退后: The policeman told everybody to stand back. 警察叫大家往后退。 stand by
1 to be present, but do nothing in a situation 袖手旁观: How can you stand by and let them treat their animals like that? 你怎能袖手旁观,让他们那样对待他们的动物?
2 to be ready to act 准备行动: The police are standing by in case there's trouble. 警方在场戒备以防有事发生。
stand for sth
1 to be a short form of sth 为…的缩约式;代表(某事物): What does BBC stand for? BBC代表什么?
2 to support sth (such as an idea or opinion) 支持(主意、见解等): I hate everything that the party stands for. 我讨厌那个党所主张的一切。
stand in (for sb) to take sb's place for a short time 暂时代替(某人) stand out to be easily seen or noticed 显眼;引人注目 stand up to be or become vertical 直立;站起来: You'll look taller if you stand up straight. 你站直了看上去高一点。 stand sb up(informal 非正式) to not appear when you have arranged to meet sb, especially a boyfriend or girlfriend 爽约(尤指跟男友或女友的约会) stand up for sb/sth to say or do sth which shows that you support sb/sth 支持;维护: I admire him. He really stands up for his rights. 我佩服他,他真的敢于维护自己的权利。 stand up to sb/sth to defend yourself against sb/sth who is stronger or more powerful 抵抗(强于自己的人或事物)
/stænd ||; stænd/noun[C]
1 a table or an object that holds or supports sth, often so that people can buy it or look at it 摊位;摊子: a newspaper/hamburger stand 报摊;汉堡包摊子a company stand at a trade fair 某公司在商品展览会的摊位
2 a large structure where people can watch sport from seats arranged in rows that are low near the front and high near the back (运动场的)看台
3 a stand (on/against sth) a strong effort to defend yourself or sth that you have a strong opinion about 采取行动自恒或捍恒主张: The workers have decided to take / make a standagainst further job losses. 工人们决定采取行动,反对继续裁员。




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